How to Choose the Perfect Rug Size

rugs in modern living room

When it comes to selecting a rug, it's crucial to consider the appropriate size that fits your space. Unfortunately, many people overlook this aspect, resulting in mismatched interiors. An oversized rug can overwhelm even the largest furniture pieces, while an undersized rug can get lost in the room. To help you find the perfect fit, we've compiled a comprehensive guide that ensures your rug complements your space flawlessly.

If you're unsure about the ideal colour or material for your rug, we recommend checking out our complex rugs guide, which provides valuable information to assist you in making the right choice.

Read more: Ultimate Rug Guide

Living Room

Let’s start with the most important room of any home - the living room. This space is where families gather to watch TV, play games, or socialize with friends, so selecting the correct rug can enhance the cosy and comfortable ambience.

To Do

All furniture legs are placed on a rug

Placing all your furniture legs on the rug, including extra items like pots or side tables, ensures a comfortable surface no matter where you sit. This arrangement also provides optimal stability for your sofa and armchairs. Keep in mind that this setup is best suited for larger living rooms with ample space.

Front legs of furniture are placed on a rug

Another great option is to position the front legs of your furniture on the rug, while the other items are placed around it. Although this setup may be slightly less stable than the previous one, it still looks fantastic and offers a pleasant surface to rest your feet. By keeping extra decorations off the rug, you can avoid cluttering the space around your seating areas.

Not To Do

Only a coffee table is in a rug, obscuring it

Placing only a coffee table on the rug obscures its visibility and diminishes the sense of space in the room. Additionally, the rug loses its excellent feature of providing warmth and a pleasant feeling underfoot when placed directly on the ground. If you have a carpet under the table that is barely visible, your house guests won't be able to appreciate its pattern and design.

Not all pieces fit on a rug

Trying to keep only the front legs of your furniture on the round rug can be challenging. This arrangement often requires placing armchairs very close to the sofa, limiting leg stretching space for everyone seated. Furthermore, placing a round rug in this manner can make the area appear messy and poorly planned.

Dining Room

Let's now explore dining spaces, where the rules are relatively straightforward. In a dining room, the key principle to follow is to ensure that your dining table and all chairs are positioned on the rug.

To Do

All chairs and the table are on a rug

Placing all your chairs and the table on the rug creates a sense of organization and harmony in the room. As previously mentioned, this is the simplest and most effective way to style a rug in your dining room. By having the table and chairs on the rug, you'll experience stability and enjoy a warm, pleasant surface under your feet regardless of where you're seated.

Slightly bigger round rug under round table

Round rugs can make a round table appear more substantial. This setup is particularly suitable for smaller dining areas, as it allows for easier placement of fewer chairs on the round rug. The same rule applies here, ensuring that the rug's size is proportionate to the table. Avoid choosing a rug that is excessively larger than your table, as it will look out of place.

Not To Do

Mismatched shapes, rug too big

Placing an oversized rug under your dining set will make the room feel smaller due to the disparity in shapes. Although you'll achieve stability and comfort, the rug will overwhelm the other elements in your dining room, undermining the overall decor.

Mixed shapes, rug too small

Attempting to match a rectangular table with a round rug or vice versa will result in a rug that appears too small and out of place. You'll encounter difficulties when attempting to fit all the chairs on it. In this case, the rug might simply be too small, and the differences in shape will be visibly distracting.


Bedrooms often come in various shapes and settings, making rug placement a bit more challenging. The general rule is to position your rug near or under the bed.

To Do

The entire bed stands on a rug

For larger bedroom areas, it is recommended to have the entire bed, including additional furniture like nightstands, placed on the rug. This setup requires more space but provides a cohesive and balanced look.

A medium rug in the middle of a bed

Alternatively, you can opt for a smaller rug placed in the middle of the bed, with the footboard resting on it. Since there won't be any additional furniture on the rug, it can be slightly narrower. The absence of the headboard on the rug won't impact stability.

Two small rugs are placed on both sides of a bed

For a more sophisticated bedroom decor, consider using two small rugs on either side of the bed. Ensure the furniture doesn't touch the rugs, and keep other pieces off them. This arrangement works particularly well for single bedrooms and adds an elegant touch.

Not To Do

A narrow rug at the end of a bed

Placing a rug like this will visually diminish its presence, making it practically disappear under the bed. Moreover, you won't experience the cosy feeling under your feet when you wake up in the morning. This rug placement can also create an illusion of a smaller bed and room size.

A small rug in the middle

A round rug positioned in the centre of the bed tends to look out of place and vanishes under the bed. Similar to the previous case, this arrangement can make the room feel cramped and disorganized.


Let's discuss the main hallway of your home, a space that should exude a welcoming and inviting atmosphere for you, your family, and your houseguests.

To Do

In the middle of the space

A runner rug should be placed in the centre of your hallway corridor, with furniture pieces kept off it. This positioning ensures that regardless of whether the rug is positioned close to the main door or further down the hallway, it creates a welcoming feeling. As soon as you remove your shoes, you'll enjoy a pleasant surface underfoot.

Not To Do

Hidden under furniture

Avoid placing sideboards or other furniture pieces on the runner rug, as this will obscure its visibility and pattern. Furthermore, you won't always feel the rug under your feet, which defeats the purpose of having a rug in the hallway.

Outdoor Spaces

There's one more area we need to address, your outdoor space. Whether you have a large garden, a terrace, or a smaller balcony, you can enhance its aesthetic by incorporating an appropriate outdoor rug.

To Do

Everything on a rug

Just like in the living room, place all your large furniture pieces and sets on the rug. This arrangement offers stability, showcases the pattern, and provides a pleasant surface when walking around your patio.

Legs placed on a rug

In smaller outdoor spaces, focus on having the front legs of your furniture on the rug. If you don't have enough room for a large carpet, opt for a smaller one and keep accessories off it.

Small setup with a round rug

This setup works well for balconies with a bistro set, where the entire set is placed on a round rug. It follows the same principle as styling a dining room carpet: a round table paired with a round rug, or a rectangular rug for a rectangular bistro table.

Not To Do

Mismatched shapes

Large sets combined with round rugs tend to create an awkward fit, making it impossible to accommodate all your outdoor furniture. Additionally, the round rug may become overshadowed by the large set, diminishing its impact. This is especially true if you desire a colourful rug or one with a striking pattern.

Mismatched sizes

If your rug can only accommodate a coffee table, it is likely too small. Similar to the living room setting, this configuration limits the visual impact of the rug, making the pattern less noticeable and providing minimal comfort.

Wrong proportions, mixed shapes

Rectangular rugs paired with round tables often create a mismatched appearance. It's better to opt for a round rug, just as in the dining room. Furthermore, if you have a table with three chairs or a larger coffee table, it becomes challenging to fit all the pieces on the rug.

Before Buying

Before you start adding your dream rugs to the shopping cart, we have one more tip for you. Grab a painter's tape and place it where you envision your new rug. This way, you'll be able to visualize how it will fit in your room and measure whether it's the appropriate size.

Now that you have comprehensive knowledge on how to style rugs of various sizes in all areas of your home, all that remains is to explore our shop categories and find the rug that not only has the right size and shape but also perfectly complements your decor.


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